The Shovelers 100 WORDS CONTEST FINALIST BOB THURBER The shovelers arrive early, dragging their shadows across the snow. Most are...

Just Released / January 2020
"Less is more, and Bob's the best.” — Susan Pieters "Bob Thurber is lightning in a bottle. His writing reaches in and grabs your heart...

New Release
In Fifty Words! (Micro Fictions) An eclectic collection of micro fictions, each exactly 50 words… From the Introduction: Bob has a unique...

New Release: In Fifty Words! (micro fictions)
In Fifty Words! (Micro Fictions) An eclectic collection of micro fictions, each exactly 50 words… From the Introduction: Bob has a unique...

"Balloon Party" in winter issue of NUNUM
See NUNUM's fusion of art with text HERE. Balloon Party Bob Thurber After her release from the hospital my sister moved from her small,...
2018 Story of The Year
Recently 50 Word Stories announced: The winner of the 2018 Story of the Year is: The Summer of Sweet Mary (circa 1972) by Bob Thurber...

NBT reviewed by editors of Cafe Irreal
The editors of The Cafe Irreal continue their "year of reading" with an insightful in depth review of Nothing But Trouble Read it here...

Interview with the editors of Pulp Literature
"..,flash fiction maestro and Bumblebee contest judge, Bob Thurber, sat down to give his thoughts on constructing short fiction, the...
My Vision Remains
From time to time I'm asked about my vision. My standard reply is, "I can still see, still read, still write." Thanks to a rather large...
For “the young man or young woman writing today”
In the words of an old modernist: “Our tragedy today is a general and universal physical fear so long sustained by now that we can even...