An Old Christmas Story...
Enjoy. https://pulpliterature.com/simple-decoration-bob-thurber/
May News & Notes
Look for “Before She Was My Mother” (originally published by The Woolf) in Best Microfiction 2022 Right now... * You can read “The Work”...

Chicken Soup
Eleven years ago, (Dec. 16, 2010) we received news no parent ever wants to hear. Our lives changed. Our world changed. Even breathing...
November Publishing News
Here is some recent news: * "Muscle and Might” which recently won inclusion in Fractured Literature’s 2021 Flash Fiction Anthology is...
First Prize for "Thanksgiving 2010"
I'm grateful to the good people at The Writers Bureau for this good news. A short fiction titled “Thanksgiving 2010” (about 1600 words)...
Recent Publications
Here’s an odd little story that’s about a 3 minute read in issue #76 of The Cafe Irreal. It is my 13th contribution to The Cafe...

"Wager" at Fresh.Ink
Today Fresh Ink Magazine is republishing the story WAGER which originally appeared in Pulp Literature, Summer 2014. Issue 3 and was...

That Whooshing Noise...
Fresh Ink Magazine is featuring "That Whooshing Noise Before the End" The story first appeared in The Literarian, Issue 9, 2012 Here’s...

London Independent Story Prize
I am honored that "Broken Glass" was a ...

In Fifty Words! - "A master's course..."
Geoffrey Miller, editor of NUNUM recently featured an in depth and insightful review of IN FIFTY WORDS! * * * Bob’s latest gift to the...