May News & Notes
Look for “Before She Was My Mother” (originally published by The Woolf) in Best Microfiction 2022
Right now...
* You can read “The Work” at The Cafe Irreal:
And here are a few new 50 word stories available at Fifty Word Stories:
*The Last Performance
* The Secret Revealed
* Ripples (Another misadventure of The Broken Boys)
* A Writer’s Monotonous Search for Meaning
The Spring issue of The Dribble Drabble Review has "gathered a beautiful (and sometimes prickly) bouquet of *story blossoms* " A couple of them authored by me.
But there are no direct links, so I’ve pasted the selections below.
But do visit the site and read more.
(Little-ature in 50 (a Dribble) & 100 (a Drabble) Words)
First Monday of Every Month at the Pineapple Inn
It was more than a craving for something sweet, more than relief for an unreachable itch. We needed regular surrender to something beyond everyday compromises and concessions, something beyond day-to-day responsibilities and obligations, desperate to be somewhere we didn’t need to be, embracing someone we had no business being with.
— Bob Thurber, USA
Narrative Chess
Sometimes people who know a little about my childhood ask, “How did you survive all of that and still end up OK?”
I take their inquiries to mean they suspect I should be significantly more damaged than whatever degree they judge me to be. Which makes me wonder if they appreciate how very seriously fucked up I am?
So I asked a close friend, a Buddhist monk, his opinion: How broken do you think I am, seriously?
And straightaway, in less time than an eye blink, he said: That’s the wrong question, my friend. Play nice. It’s still your turn.
— Bob Thurber, USA
* I’ll be judging Pulp Literature's "2022 Hummingbird Flash Fiction Prize"
------ All I ask is that you stay in touch. Thank you for reading.
- Bob