“I write a little every day, without hope and without despair.” — Isak Dinesen

Bob Thurber’s short, sharp, quietly ferocious tales are indeed filled with trouble—yet they are also filled with a strange magic. For all that they are unflinching, often shocking in their emotional violence, they seem to whisper, here is more life. And under a line like “time heals nothing,” there is a soul that refuses to quit.
— Dawn Raffel, author of The Secret Life of Objects
Addictive, seductive, unflinching!
Not since I first read Flannery O'Connor have I been so emotionally engulfed by an author who can bottle up his personal pain, distill it into liquid tragedy, and dip his quill deep in that black ink to paint stories so startling, so unflinching in the face of truth, that I find myself gripping the book with both hands, unsure whether to jump and cheer or shave my head in mourning. This rich writing is like cheesecake to the soul: addictive, seductive, intimate. I want more.
— Susan Pieters, Pulp Literature
In this uncompromising collection of stories, Thurber weaves his tales around such facets of the human condition as Fathers and Fools, Women and Children, Marriage and Divorce, Art and Artifice. Typically unsettling and revelatory, Thurber knows how to cast a story that depicts the coarse reality of life, and his skills are displayed here with both passion and sentiment.
Reviews / Articles
Shanti Arts: The Trouble With Thurber (May 4, 2014)
RUCKERPEDIA: Nothing But Trouble (April 30, 2014)
North Attleboro Author Has More Stories to Tell (April 9, 2014)