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Popular Selections

“Blue Light”
Zoetrope All Story Extra

"Unnecessary Impressions"
2nd Prize in Lumina’s 2005 National Flash Fiction Contest (reprinted at: The Santa Fe Writers Project)

"Lost and Found"
Runner up in Geist's Postcard Story Contest / Issue 66

"Calling Home from a Phone Booth Outside a Pub in North Dublin"
Geist's Postcard Story Contest / Issue 57

“The Next Stop”
Prize Winning Fiction at Literary Juice Magazine

“Moon Time”
Short Fiction at Word Riot

“My New Place,” 
“Rooms For Rent, Men Only” , 

Liquid Imagination

“Anatomy of a Micro-fiction” 

Widely used educational resource for teachers & students.

“Grave Invitation”  at Liquid Imagination 
 A multi-media piece, short & neat.

​read by Brandon Rucker

Our Trip to The Moon

Audio at, read by Ann Rushton
(2 minutes 57 seconds. Starts at 1:25)

Finalist for the 2015 Lascaux Prize in Flash Fiction

I asked how can you ever be sure
that what you write is really
any good at all and he said you can’t
you can’t you can never be sure
you die without knowing
whether anything you wrote was any good
if you have to be sure don’t write
       — from “Berryman,” by W. S. Merwin

Recent Publications


The Manufacturing Of Sorrow

Winner of the 2013 Vocabula Writing Contest. Republished at Cafe Irreal



Brief non-fiction

The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts


Mister Fumble Bumble
Cafe Irreal - Issue 40

That Whooshing Noise Before the End
The Center for Fiction

50 Word Story Archive

Read Bob Thurber’s stories on 50WS


Two small stories:

No Sequels, Please

The Chief Deacon's Report on the Rumored Return of the Broken Boys

Cafe Irreal - Issue 56

The Next Stop

Republished at Fabula Argentea

All Set for Ardor

Finalist for The Eric Hoffer Prose Award

Published at LitBreak

A Hundred Thousand Flowers

(For my granddaughter)
Electronic Literature

The Search Party (For Sarah Kate 1980 - 2010)
Electronic Literature

Our Trip to The Moon

Audio at NoExtraWords

read by Kris Baker Dersch

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