November Publishing News
Here is some recent news: * "Muscle and Might” which recently won inclusion in Fractured Literature’s 2021 Flash Fiction Anthology is...
Elmore Leonard, Ernest Hemingway & Bob Thurber
From BROTHER, CAN YOU SPARE SOME PROSE? by Brandon L. Rucker "I’ve been reading both Elmore Leonard and Bob Thurber since the late 90s...

"If You'd Like to Make a Call..." is in Pulp Literature's Autumn issue.
The prize winning "If You'd Like to Make a Call..." is in Pulp Literature's Autumn issue. Along with an excerpt from Paperboy.

New Edition: Release Date
Next Tuesday, May 31st, I'll celebrate my 61st birthday, along with the release of a new edition of Paperboy: A Dysfunctional Novel...
New Edition of Paperboy
The novel, which debuted in 2011, has a new publisher. I'm thrilled to announce that NEW Print and Digital versions of "Paperboy: A...